Axiom of Existence and Persistence
People often ask why things exist and my axiom of existence by persistence could help move this question along. The axiom is stated,
What exists is what persisted.
or put another way, What exists now is what persisted before now.
At every probabilistic event from the first event there will be results that persist and results that do not. The universe we perceive around us today exists because the matter it is made up of persisted. That axiom should also apply to information carriers such as life.
I also think the axiom would apply to all post-nothing events but it is currently beyond our comprehension as to the pathway of events from that nothing to the elementary particles and fields of the standard model that we observe in this universe now.
So persistence but a balance to nothing is the key.
This axiom requires no such concept of anything supernatural. Science gets us from the big bang onwards and this is accepted by all except where we differ is the cause of the matter at the Big Bang.
So to bring this all together: Physicalism of a universe from nothing suggests a unstable quantum state. Going back in regress to nothing is currently beyond our comprehension as to the pathway of events from that nothing to the elementary particles and fields of the standard model that we observe in this universe, it appears that there are balancing somethings that if measured in effect eliminate themselves e.g. the zero-energy universe. So the ‘cosmogonical’ accounting seems to suggest nothing rather than something.
I view nothing cannot be nothing as then it would be something known to a precise state. That’s not allowed in quantum mechanics as far as I know (uncertainty principle) . Ergo nothing is unstable.
With my axiom of; what exists is what persisted. When you observe something existing then you identify why it persists to explain why it exists and remember that when there is no who then how is why in nature.